The Real Real

Pride Campaign

The Real Real is an online luxury consignment store. They have a big social media presence and I wanted to use a play on words to bring their presence to billboards ads.

Fashion is a huge part of identity and expression for people in the LGBTQ+ community.  This billboard campaign embodies loving who the REAL REAL you is, extending to a guerrilla campaign for Pride month that brings to life the “coming out of the closet” metaphor and gives consumers the opportunity to capture and share who they are! The installation would be strategically places near the Stonewall cite in New York city.

In order to remain true to the cause, the strategy would give consumers the opportunity to opt into to donate a percentage of their purchase to local charities and shelters that prioritize LGBTQ+ community needs during checkout.


Nike - Make Your Mark


Ayiti Se Nou - Family Reunion